Mix by Spicy
Spice Blend vol. 21 : 90’s Singer Selection Mix -MIX CD-
販売価格 1,100円(内税)

セレクター SPICYに依る、人気Mixシリーズ!
今回は根強いファンの多い「90’s Singer Selection」♪

[ Spice Blend vol. 21 : 90’s Singer Selection Mix ]

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1. Intro
2. Ken Boothe. Felling Soul
3. Johnny Osborne. Play play Girl.
4. Beres Hammond. Full Attention.
5. Ini Kamoze. Hot Stepper.
6. Frankie Paul. Ready Or Not.
7. Frankie Paul. Come & Talk To Me.
8. Garnett Silk. It’s Growing.
9. Sanchez. Don’t Worry.
10. Sanchez. Wherever I Lay My Heart.
11. Mikey Spice. Born Again.
12. Nadine Sutherland. Rainbow.
13. Carlo Gonzales. Personal Delivery.
14. Pam Hall. Truly.
15. Garnett Silk. With Your Marcy.
16. Beres Hammond. Wher Is The Love.
17. Beres Hammond. Left Me Crying.
18. Cocoa Tea. Waiting In Vain.
19. Sanchez. Rearrange My Life.
20. Freddie McGregor. Born A Winner.
21. Wayne Wade. I Love You Too Much.
22. Sanchez. I’m Missing You.
23. Beres Hammond & Josey Wales. Free & Single.
24. Kashief Lindo. Not Can Do.
25. Kashief Lindo. Let Me Give Your Love.
26. Freddie McGregor. Not Give Up.
27. Freddie McGregor. I Wish There Was A Way.
28. Luciano. Your Wold & Mine.
29. Cocoa Tea & Cutty Ranks. Rip & Run Off.
30. Sanchez. I Care For You.
31. John Holt & Gregory Isaccs. Body Language.
32. Benji Myaz. Love You Higher.
33. Maxi Priest. Smiling Faces.

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